Yes, Hasbro has become so cartoonishly greedy that one could reasonably assume M…

Thoughts from an insightful mind!!

Yes, Hasbro has become so cartoonishly greedy that one could reasonably assume Mr Krabs is the CEO. But that doesn’t mean it’s OK to he hostile towards people defending them. A lot of new players either don’t know what other systems are out there, or are very new to the scene and haven’t seen how hard the community and 3rd party publishers have worked to lift up the hobby over the past few decades. Point is, don’t gatekeep, and still encourage and welcome new players to the ttrpg community. Roll persuasion, not intimidate or initiative.
(Memes to avoid text post)

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  1. hasboros greed is a minor issue.

    If I create or have created anything resembling a product that is formed from a massive chunk of my nations history I could have my product claimed and stolen by hasboro.

    The precedent this creates goes far beyond DnD and more or less is why people don’t show pity when companies complain about pirates.

  2. yall are being too fuckin dramatic about this I swear, just pirate the books if it bothers you

  3. “A lot of new players either don’t know what other systems are out there…”
    Or they do, and they still want to play 5e, which they can without giving Hasbro a single cent.

  4. “For you see,” said the corporate simp, pointing out one set of prints amongst millions, “when there was only one set of footprints in the sand, *that* is when Wizards of the Coast carried the community

  5. A lot of folks have kept their heads in the sand with regard to other systems, and have been wilfully ignorant… they get what’s coming to them.

  6. I’m reticent to *just* blame hasbro. I imagine a lot is coming from the new management wotc itself. corporate politics are always more complicated than it appears to the outside.

  7. I’d be worried about the King George reference. The next line is about sending a fully armed battalion to remind us of his love.

  8. No more “cartoonishly greedy” than literally any other creative business.

  9. Apart from WotC being on an investor’s payroll and just have to be profitable as much as possible – there is one fking thing you just can’t do as a company or person – break the deal, given word, revoke something you’ve promised that is non-revokable.

  10. I’ll do as I wish and dare Hasbro to prosecute!

  11. Amen to that, there are many many games out there and the new OGL will have little to no effect on most of us any way. If I make a homebrew game, what Hasbro’s/WOTC men black are going to break down my door for their pound of flesh. Just buy the basic rules and make it up from there or find a local game to join. Alternatively if you search for it you can find 2nd edition warhammer fantasy role play online for nothing plus loads more as well Cyberpunk is another great system.
    D&D has been going for far too long for this to be anything more than saber rattling and they could never police the amount of content that gets made anyway.
    Enjoy your gaming and try as many systems as you can till you find what fits for you.
    My final bit of advice for those coming to TTRPG’s new watch Humble Bundle they semiregularly have TTRPG ebooks on offer there I got the complete set of WFRP 2nd Ed, cyberpunk2020, Pathfinder etc for next to nothing.

  12. Yes, Hasbro has become so cartoonishly greedy that one could reasonably assume Mr Krabs is the CEO. But that doesn’t mean it’s OK to he hostile towards people defending them. A lot of new players either don’t know what other systems are out there, or are very new to the scene and haven’t seen how hard the community and 3rd party publishers have worked to lift up the hobby over the past few decades. Point is, don’t gatekeep, and still encourage and welcome new players to the ttrpg community. Roll persuasion, not intimidate or initiative.
    (Memes to avoid text post)

  13. Buy RPGs that are made by the many companies that aren’t greedy and don’t want to make money lol

  14. Oh boy nothing like declined comments to protect WoTc

  15. The best CEOs of companies don’t care about the consumer or even the employee. They care solely about what is the best decision for the company. In doing so, they keep the company running, profitable, and therefore able to support the employee and consumer.
    In this case, Hasbro made multiple poor de idiots they had thought was in their best interest. They learned that those decisions did not have the effect they wanted.

    They will still look for the most profitable solution to them, as that makes good buisness sense. With the outcry from the community, it would also be good business sense to make the most profitable decision while trying to calm the community so as not to lose other revenue.

    I can understand the anger and worry from the community, but I’m really not suprised by Hasbros decision. Corporation make similar decisions on a daily basis. As stated above it’s what’s best for their business, not what’s best for the fan base or anyone else for that matter.

    Either way I don’t really care. It will not affect my game. Some of you may disagree but you’re wrong.
    Everything I make is homebrewed, the game is made to be playable with nothing more then dice, paper and pen. I can continue to make up my own story, world, monsters, etc., and play just fine with or without WOTC or third party creators.
    Well what about those third party creators? Their livelihoods may be affected. Yes, they may and they may have to find a compromise or change what/how they do things to continue. But this same sentiment can be expressed towards WOTC, as the company also supports many employees simply trying to get by. And by boycotting them you may inadvertently hurt “the little guy”.
    I don’t support WOTC or Hasbro any more than I need to. Same could be said for third party creators. I see something I like I may get it. If I see less then I will get less and make up more.

  16. Bad analogy given the Americas were being taxed what it cost to have the redcoats to keep the French from smashing all those colonist settlements…..

  17. Eh, I played warhammer for nearly two decades so I’m used to handing over the contents of my wallet.

  18. Calling people corporate shills for defending Hasbro isn’t gatekeeping. My gods, no one that uses that phrase these days has any idea what it means.

  19. Most fandoms have these reactions to things that won’t affect them directly.

    Just makes people feel vested and part of the crowd

  20. 3rd party d&d material is just d&d fanfic, I’d rather play real d&d or find another system if it doesn’t fit. And if you do have to use d&d just accept that it’s not wholly your property and if you make a bunch of money it’s only right that the original IP holders get a cut. Think of it like mods for video games and it makes way more sense.

  21. Realistically, I feel like I wanna play the game that’s most popular because there will be the most discussion, memes, and people to play with. As long as a system is good and popular I think I’ll be OK with it

  22. Have D&D groups stopped talking about D&D and moved on to legal and business discussion? Yes they have.

    Except this one:

  23. You don’t need to be an expert on the hobby to know is never ok to defend corporations over people

  24. It absolutely sucks what is happening and Hasbro is not making the best decisions, but they aren’t being greedy, they are trying to prevent a corporate coupe to spin WotC off into a separate company.

  25. Yes it is ok to be hostile to people defending shitty ethics and morals. Always be mean to corporate greed. If they’re feelings get hurt boohoo

  26. I don’t agree with the post. Don’t tell people what to do. If people want to introduce new players to different ttrpgs there is nothing wrong with that. WOTC and Hasbro made their choices now they have to deal with the consequences.

  27. Related, I found this picture of the Paizo conference room …

  28. To those saying WotC are defending their IP, the details of the leaked OGL versions and the current draft proposal OGL 1.2 all contain predatory content that is built to allow WotC to take from creators in some way or another while diminishing or nullifying the creators rights in some way. This is not defending their IP, it is attacking others IP’s

    I am all for WotC maintaining control over their own IP, and i fully support a fair and community supporting change to the OGL, however none of the versions shown so far are fair or support the community.

    In all fairness, I am indeed angry about the whole situation, and I wont reccommend new players into the hoby start with D&D but I also will not attack them or in any way make comments to disuade people from playing D&D if they have already decided that is the system they want to play.

    No matter the brand of game, the community is stronger for having people involved at all and new players are the lifeblood of any hoby. It is entirely possible to be respectful while still being angry and standing by your morals, I only wish more people understood this and took it to heart

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