Has anyone had a PC specifically built to be killed by the party and their real …

Has anyone had a PC specifically built to be killed by the party and their real character roll up next in session 0?

They start off as the typical stealing murder hoboing “it’s what my character would do” purposely to derail things eventually culminating in the party having to kill them early on. This instantly pushes an air of uncertainty and “are we really doing this? Do we really have to kill them to save the town/city, ourselves as the bounty hunters bringing in this scoundrel?” The guilt the players have over killing another player…

Then the big reveal of that was always the plan and the DM and player were working together for that session to make sure the players could make the tough decisions if it came down to it and also they get the big cash reward for bringing their corpse in to the city watch.

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About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. That would be annoying and nobody would trust either the dm or player after that. Better off as an NPC.

  2. … no. And I would hate it.

  3. a scenario in which the character would get thrown in jail and the player not invited to session 1.
    don’t do it.

  4. An adventure module for the Mydnight setting had a similar ploy built into it, except it doesn’t happen until about two thirds of the way through the adventure. Mydnight itself is an interesting setting: think Middle Earth where Morgoth won, never mind Sauron. A lot of it is about who you can and can’t trust, collaboration with the victorious enemy and so on.

  5. That sounds like an express ticket to Permanent Distrust Town to me.

  6. I’ve not had that specific thing happen but I have seen a character built with the intention of possibly losing their mind and transitioning into a villain.

    That has now happened and my lawful evil character has revived him and joined the bad guys (he’s a mad scientist kinda alchemist, so he’s now creating lots of monsters and actively messing with two parties).
    That wasn’t made with the sole intention of that happening though, but it was certainly a possibility from very early on.

  7. I’m not killing a pc. We had someone that constantly tried pvp and it was super annoying.

  8. Check out the Chain of Acheron for a great example of this!

    It’s all about knowing your players, but if you have a group of mature players you can pull this off and it can have a great pay off!

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