I came up with a system for initiative tracking that has been a huge benefit to …

I came up with a system for initiative tracking that has been a huge benefit to speeding up our start and flow of combat that I wanted to share. I have initiative numbers written on the inside of my DM screen and simply ask each player as I grab their clip, what their initiative was and place it accordingly. Initiative is set in seconds! I made the wooden ones with popsicle sticks, close line clips and a wood burner but it works well with office clips and paper as shown in the last pictures. The pictures in general hopefully show a good visual of what I’m talking about. May your games be epic my friends!

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About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. I did something similar. But I cut up some perspex sheet to give me a drywipe surface.
    It works so well

  2. I use index cards with names on them and some of their stats on my side. No initiative numbers but it’s easy enough for the player with highest roll to speak up and down the line we go

  3. The essentials kit came with cards for tracking initiative but I can see this working. I used to just jot it down though.

  4. I had a buddy who bent wire coat hangers into aoe shapes to use

  5. Nice! I used to have a wooden dowel mounted to a styrofoam puck and would write names on clothes pegs.

    With the switch to online for one of my groups (I moved twice, plus lockdown) I started using this site https://www.improved-initiative.com/e/

    You can put in custom monsters, spells and characters. Save encounters so you can load them when you need them. And you can roll just about anything you need with a click of a button. The patreon sub isn’t necessary to use it either.

  6. Brett McEwan this is a sick idea! Wanna try it out? I think u can write on dm board with dry erase too

  7. I do this too! It’s made it a lot easier

  8. Chris Nadalini not a bad idea

  9. Our DM does this and it’s great. He also has cards for the NPC and bad guys too: keeps everything flowing in order without the barbarian constantly asking if it’s their turn

  10. The Dungeon master Screen also has a great insert for initiative if you have some more $ available. This is what I’ve been using. I like your idea as a cool cost effective way

  11. We did the same thing but my gnome got a half size clip

  12. Take the required number of MtG card sleeves and place one or two random MtG cards in each of them to keep them rigid.
    Put in each of them a piece of paper with either the PCs names or generic enemy identifications written on them.
    When you get the initiave order, mix the deck appropriately. In fact, just ask who’s got 25+, then 20-25, etc. and just start placing the cards face up.
    Show the deck to everyone, flip the first card, and reveal the second card while leaving it on top of the deck.
    Keep doing the same each turn.
    If a player suspends / prepares their action, move their card down accordingly (or out of the deck until they decide to act).
    When the turn ends, flip the deck and start again.

    This way, you always know at what point you’re left, even after you all pause to go eat or something, everybody knows whose turn it is AND everybody knows who’s next.
    Sure, they might not know what the entire turn looks like at all times and who’s acting in three turns, but they don’t actually NEED to know that (not even considering the meta, gamey vibe it gives off).

  13. We simplify it by just putting the pegs in order without having to write the numbers haha

  14. You can also add condition markers down the side to help keep track of concentration, frightened, and so on.

  15. I do this with folded paper on my side I also put their AC and passive perception

  16. Thank Jebus for Virtual Tables

  17. My DM just started doing this but with different color clothes pins. Each player picks a color and then the ones that are left are different enemies. Genius!

  18. I also use clothes pins to track my orders! These were actually my grandmothers, and are around 60ish years old. She’d be rolling in her grave if she knew I was using them for DnD.

  19. We use character pics that are printed and put on 2*3 frame magnets that attach to a white board, then I can put in the monster where ever and even the people who are far away know when there turn is coming up (our table is 16ft long)

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